UNfortunately, this event has already occurred.
The 712 Initiative?s Shoe Recycling Drive is a local shoe collection effort to help divert thousands of shoes from our local landfill, as it takes shoes about 1,000 years to decompose. Shoe and clothing waste makes up 65.7% of the content in landfills. Every shoe donated is reused in some way (reused, recycled, repurposed) In addition, The 712 Initiative receives a financial donation for all the shoes we collect. You are not only saving the planet but you are supporting a local nonprofit!
We encourage everyone to do a little spring cleaning! 1)collect all your unwanted shoes (shoes of any condition are accepted) 2)tie or rubber band them in pairs and put them in a garbage bag (25 pairs or less per bag) 3) Drop off at 12 Scott St during select hours
Contact: The 712 Initiative
Email: info@the712initiative.org
Categories: Community, Fundraiser