UNfortunately, this event has already occurred.
Join us for the next session of a new 2020 programming series, "A Land Ethic Workshop". Join instructor Ron Cisar as we celebrate the life & legacy of famous naturalist & philosopher Aldo Leopold. The session will begin with a discussion of Leopold’s essay "The Choral Copse" followed by a look at the natural events of September through “Mother Nature’s Calendar”. After a refresher course in Ornithology 101, volunteers from Fontenelle Forest’s Raptor Recovery will give a program on raptors. They will bring three live birds of prey that are unable to be released into the wild and are now exclusively used for educational purposes.
This program is intended for participants age 14 and over. Online pre-registration is required as space is limited. For questions not answered online please call 712-545-3283. The cost for this program is $15.00 per person.
Contact: Michelle Biodrowski
Phone: (712) 545-3283
Email: [email protected]
Categories: Educational, Outdoors