Caleb Rainey "The Negro Artist"
February 8 | 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.Council Bluffs Public Library
UNfortunately, this event has already occurred.
Author, producer, and spoken word poet Caleb “The Negro Artist” Rainey, will perform poetry that addresses race relations with honesty and vulnerability. Caleb has released two books of African American poetry and was featured on Iowa Public Radio. He is the co-founder of the literary magazine Black Art and writes a monthly column for The Real Mainstream. He has done spoken word across the nation and has even performed in London, England. His work will focus on race relations in the U.S., using his poems as pieces that tackle the injustices and hardships, beauty and nuances, of being Black in America. Call 712-323-7553, ext. 2 to ZOOM with us in Room B or pre-register from the library's website to view from home. Registration is required.
Face masks and social distancing are required for in-person events and programs. This program is free and open to the public and has been made possible with help from the Council Bluffs Public Library Foundation.
Contact: Marlys Lien
Phone: (712) 323-7553 x135
Categories: Arts & Culture, Educational